Report issued just days before the Great Oregon Shakeout, a statewide
earthquake drill this Thursday
On January 26, 1700 an estimated M9 earthquake unzipped the 700+
mile Cascadia Subduction Zone fault from northern California, USA to southern
British Columbia, Canada, much like recent events in 2011 in Japan and 2010 in
Chile. The newly released "Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes: A Magnitude 9.0
Earthquake Scenario" examines how the Pacific Northwest may fare after the next
great 'megathrust' earthquake and tsunami. "The new report conveys the most
current scientific and emergency planning information accessible to a wide
variety of audiences." said Tamra Biasco of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, one of the lead authors.

The scenario authored by the Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup (CREW)
summarizes not only why Cascadia earthquakes occur repeatedly, but also the
likely consequences of the next subduction zone fault rupture. Future such
earthquakes and tsunamis will have lasting impacts to coastal communities and
the potential to inflict tens of billions of dollars in physical damage,
dramatically impacting the region's economy.
The CREW report, written by a team of social scientists, emergency
managers, earth scientists, engineers, public administrators, and businessmen
under the umbrella of CREW, provides a guide to citizens curious about the
geologic processes that make the Pacific Northwest so rich in natural beauty and
resources, to planners wanting to know what hazards they face, and to policy
makers striving to make the Pacific Northwest more resilient.
The newly released "Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes: A Magnitude 9.0
Earthquake Scenario" and other free preparedness materials to help Cascadia
residents, schools, businesses, and emergency managers become better prepared
for future earthquakes are accessible online at Production of the new scenario was
made possible with support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
and CREW's member organizations.
To see a preview of this publication or to download a PDF, visit:
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