Marquis1.wav “One of the officers knocked on the door and attempted to make contact with the subject, who opened the door and refused entry. The officer was dressed in a uniform very much like Brad’s, clearly identifying himself as a police officer. In very short order the subject in the room started firing with what we believe was a handgun. Officers took cover, two officers returned fire, apparently we don’t know ...the suspect, who is now in a Portland hospital received two wounds, apparently gunshot wounds, which after being treated at Columbia Memorial Hospital, do not appear to be at this point life-threatening. Despite the fact that he had been shot, he got in his...a van, a Chrysler late model van and took off at very high speeds through Astoria, Warrenton, Gearhart, Seaside, at a very high rate of speed. I think Astoria officers were involved in the pursuit. I don’t know how many other agencies. The sheriff’s office eventually put out spike strips, also did what is called a pit maneuver, and at the cost of a sheriff’s car, managed to stop the vehicle at about milepost 8 on Highway 26.” (1:25)
The suspect was treated at Columbia Memorial Hospital before transfer to Portland. Three Astoria police officers were placed on Administrative leave following the shooting, a standard procedure, according to Marquis. A grand jury will be convened for possible charges against the suspect, that could include attempted aggravated murder. The suspect is believed to about 40 years old, and a resident of Southwest Washington state. Astoria Deputy Chief Brad Johnston said his name could not yet be released.
Johnston1.wav “With his identity, one of our concerns is, we have a least two names for him.......positively prior to releasing his information. (:09)
Three Astoria police officers responded in the incident. One is a recent recruit who has been out of the academy for about seven weeks. He was not one of the officers who fired. One police officer was treated for a minor injury and released. Officials say the suspect will require several surgeries.
photo: Astoria Deputy Chief Brad Johnston, left, and Clatsop County District Attorney Josh Marquis at a press conference Monday
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