The City of Astoria Public Works staff will host an open house to share information about the design of a new dock to replace the existing 17th Street dock adjacent to the Columbia River Maritime Museum. The open house will be held on Thursday, June 2nd from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive in Astoria. There will be a brief project presentation beginning at 5 p.m. followed by a question and answer period.
Work on demolishing and replacing the wooden dock and pilings with steel pilings and concrete decking could begin as early as this fall. The dock is more than 50 years old and needs significant upgrading to support moorage of two Coast Guard cutters as well as the Lightship Columbia and the historic Columbia River Large Navigation Buoy.
The new dock will meet the needs of the Coast Guard for decades to come. Moorage for the lightship and buoy will also be improved. All of the vessels, the buoy, and the recreational floating dock attached to adjacent pilings will be relocated temporarily during construction.
The project is expected to cost about $4.8 million, with $3.8 million of that total provided by a Connect Oregon Grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation. The City will invest approximately $1 million in matching funds.
A consultant team led by BergerABAM, an engineering firm with offices in Portland and Vancouver, Washington, will complete design work this summer and provide management oversight during construction.
For more information, visit the City of Astoria website to view an informational flyer.
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