Commander William R. Timmons, of Sector Lower Columbia, (center left and holding paper) and (left) Lt. Derek Fine, Auxiliary Liaison Officer with Sector Lower Columbia swear-in Dave W. Phillips as Flotilla 64 Commander (center right) and Glen Wood as Flotilla 64 Vice Commander (right) at annual Flotilla Change of Watch and dinner.
At the annual Change of Watch and dinner of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Buoy 10
Flotilla 64 Astoria, Dave W. Phillips of Astoria was sworn in as Flotilla Commander, and Glen Wood of Longview, Washington, as Vice Commander. Commander William R. Timmons with Sector Lower Columbia, assisted by Lt. Derek Fine, Sector Lower Columbia Auxiliary Liaison Officer performed the swearing-in Ceremony.
Commander Phillips has been a resident of Astoria since 1972 and has served as Public Education Officer for Division 6 and Vice Flotilla Commander. He is presently retired from Clatsop Community College and serves as a board member of the Clatsop County Housing Authority, Columbia Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees and Board of the Columbia River Maritime Museum.
Vice Commander Wood is retired and has previously served in the US Coast Guard. He joined the Auxiliary two years ago and is a certified airplane pilot. He recently received Auxiliary certification as a boat crewman and an instructor.
David Philips shared his appreciation at the dinner for being elected the new Flotilla Commander.
He said, “ My overreaching goals for the new year are to create more opportunities for fellowship and fun within the Auxiliary, attract new members and improve the boating safety outreach to recreational boaters.
Commander Timmons praised the efforts of the Coast Guard Auxiliary particularly the extraordinary work done during the Buoy 10 Season.
For more information about or how to join the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, authorized by Congress in 1939 go to or contact Matthew Carter, Flotilla Staff Officer for Public Affairs at (503) 481-6648.
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