SEASIDE--The public is invited to join the City of Seaside on Tuesday, June 8 to review the draft Seaside Transportation System Plan (TSP) recommendations and its phasing and implementation plan. The Transportation Summit (public meeting) will be held in the Broadway Middle School Cafeteria, 1120 Broadway in Seaside, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The public is encouraged to drop by and talk with representatives of the Project Management Team (comprised of the City of Seaside, Oregon Department of Transportation, Clatsop County, and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development). A short presentation will be held at 5:45pm.
The Seaside TSP focuses on needed improvements to the local and state transportation network in Seaside over the next 5-, 10-, and 20 years. The project has explored current and future transportation needs, including safety, connectivity, access, and congestion. The team has developed potential concepts to address these needs and has evaluated these concepts against community-established values and objectives. The project team will share recommendations for the state and local roadway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian modal elements. It will discuss implementation and phasing, including expected costs, prioritization, and potential funding of recommendations. Part of this conversation will be what recommendations are not likely to receive funding within the 20-year planning timeframe.
Central to the plan is the City of Seaside’s and ODOT’s development of alternate mobility standards for US 101. Alternate mobility standards include a commitment from both agencies to invest in the local transportation network, alternate modes, management of access (driveways and intersections); and land use planning to ensure US 101 operates safely in the future.
The TSP is nearing completion, and the next steps are to finalize the plan and move forward with adoption. The public is encouraged to attend the Summit to share their thoughts on recommendations, implementation, and other topics.
Visit www.seasidetsp.org for more information
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