Planning, public works split approvedThe board of commissioners approved a reorganization plan that divides the county’s Community Development and Public Works departments into separate entities.
County Manager Duane Cole told the board that the workload in both offices requires that each have its own director. Currently the two offices are jointly directed by Ed Wegner as Transportation and Development Services Director. The change will become effective Jan. 1.
Under the plan, Wegner will return to his original position as Public Works Director. Hiller West, hired in September as principal planner, will become director of Community Development. West has a lengthy background in land-use planning, most recently as planning director of Monroe, Wash.
Planning and Public Works were combined in the Transportation and Development Services Department in 2007.
Darigold funding approvedThe board approved an amendment to the county’s contract with Groat Brothers Inc. covering the demolition of the former Darigold Building to provide additional funding for removal of contaminated soil and other work at the site. The original $49,850 contract approved by the board in April included an additional $7,450 contingency fund, which will be used to cover the cost of removing a fuel oil tank from the building site. The amendment will allow spending up to another $22,500 to pay for clean-up of soil contaminated with petroleum product.
Medical examiner appointedThe board appointed Susan Heinick, MD as District Medical Examiner for Clatsop County. Heinick, an emergency room physician at Providence Seaside Hospital, replaces Joann Stefanelli, who resigned from the position earlier this year. Stefanelli will continue to offer her services on a part-time basis.
The medical examiner investigates all unattended deaths and participates in criminal investigations as part of the local Major Crime Team.
Other BusinessIn other business the board:
-Approved a request from Columbia County to support the participation of a Rainier company, Rightline Equipment Inc., in the Lower Columbia Maritime Enterprise Zone. The zone, which covers Columbia County and a portion of Clatsop County, provides tax breaks to qualified new and expanding businesses.
-Approved a $50,000 payment to the Westport Water Association for improvements to its water system made necessary by damage from flooding that accompanied the December 2007 storm. The improvements, totaling approximately $500,000 and funded primarily by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, were completed earlier this year and involved a partnership with the nearby Wauna Water District that included development of an additional water source, adding a chlorinator and increasing water line capacity. The funds from Clatsop County come from the proceeds of the tax penalty levied on Georgia-Pacific over the Lower Columbia Enterprise Zone.
-Approved an agreement between the Clatsop County 4-H and Extension Service and the North Coast Food Web for the operation of the North Coast Communities Food Project, a collaborative campaign to improve community food security, promote good nutrition and health and support diversification of regional food production and access. Funding comes from a Meyer Memorial Trust grant.
-Approved an intergovernmental agreement with the State of Oregon to receive $91,306 - $61,900 for the current fiscal year plus $29,406 carryover from 2010-11 – to fund treatment and intervention services through the Sheriff’s Office Community Corrections Division targeted at Measure 57 criminal offenders.
-Approved the language of input to be given at the Dec. 15 meeting of the state Territorial Sea Plan Working Group in Astoria, which is examining ocean-planning and wave-energy issues off the state coastline. Among other points the input calls for vigorous public involvement, recommends conditional-use reviews versus restrictive zones for wave-energy projects, and seeks compatibility between the state plan and local planning efforts.
-Conducted the first reading of an ordinance adopting the county’s Administrative Code. Provisions in the code, which spells out the county’s organizational structure, board and committee rules, contracting rules and financial policies, have previously been established by board resolution, but county staff recommended its adoption by ordinance so it is included in the process, currently underway, of codifying all the county ordinances. Second reading and adoption of the Administrative Code ordinance is scheduled for Jan. 11.
-Adopted new board rules governing meeting procedures and protocol, committee appointments, travel policy and other items.
-Appointed Pamela Alegria to the Recreational Lands Planning Advisory Committee.