Oregon US and State OfficesOregon US Democratic Senator Ron Wyden won handily over his Republican challenger Jim Huffman, with nearly 56% of the vote to Huffman's 41%.
Oregon 1st District US Representative David Wu has defeated challenger GOP Rob Cornilles, with nearly 55% of the vote over Cornilles nearly 43%.
Oregon 16th District Democratic State Senator Betsy Johnson will retain her seat, with nearly 55% of the vote over Republican Bob Horning's nearly 45%.
Oregon 31st District Democratic State Representative Brad Witt has defeated his Republican challenger Ed DeCoste with 57% of the vote over Decoste's nearly 43%.
In Oregon's 32nd District, Democrate Deborah Boone has retained her seat, with nearly 53% of the vote, over her challenger Republicn Lew Barnes 47%.
City of Astoria:Mayor Willis Van Dusan will retain his seat, defeating his challenger Bonnie Wingard. Incumbent City Council member Arline LaMear has been elected to another term to the Ward 1 seat, defeating challenger Robert Howard with 78% of the vote to Howard's 20%
Newcomer Karen Mellin has defeated incumbent Ward 3 council member Blair Henninsgaard.
City of Warrenton:Three term Mayor and Position 4 Commissioner Gil Gramson has lost his bid for re-election to area resident and construction buiness owner Mark Baldwin. Baldwin will take the position 4 commissioner's seat in January. The Board of Commissioners will then elect the new mayor.
Seaside School DistrictAs of this morning's count, voters were supporting the tax measure by nearly 56% to 44%, with a vote count of 2,667 to 2,103.
Tillamook:Suzanne Weber, a retired teacher with the Tillamook School District, is Tillamook’s first new mayor in 28 years. Weber has defeated her challenger, Joe Martin, with 759 to Martin’s 374,
Weber replaces Bob McPheeters, who announced in August that he would not be running for a 29th year as Tillamook’s mayor.
Rockaway Beach:The coordinated campaign of Team Rockaway, has claimed victory in the mayor's race and also have filled the three seats up for election for the city council.
Last nights unofficial results reported in the Tillamook Headlight Herald, give challenger Dennis Porter 312 votes, beating out incumbent mayor Terry Walhood's 244 votes.
Walhood was appointed mayor in 2009 following the death of Ray McFarlane.
Jack McClave, was the top vote getter in the city council race, receiving 295 votes in the unofficial tally.
Rodney Breazile, will be seated on the council, after winning 263 votes.
Jon Orloff, , will also take a seat with 253 votes.
SW Washington State:For US District 3 Representative: Republican Jamie Herrera: 53% of the vote, over Democrat Denny Heck's 47%
19th District SW Washington State Representative's Brian Blake and Dean Takko will retain their seats. Blake led challenger Tim Sutinen (R) with 53% of vote, 17,226 votes to Sutinen's 15,439.
Dean Takko will keep his seat after defeating Kelso Republican Kurt Swanson, 19,388 to 13,376 as of last night.
Pacific County:Lisa Ayers will take the District 3 Pacific County Commissioner's seat, after defeating fellow Democrat Cathy Russ, 4,114 to 2,914.
Scott Johnson will be the new Pacific County Sheriff, after defeating long time incumbent and fellow Democrat John Didion.
Wahkiakum County:Bill Coons, running as an independent, defeated incumbent County Assessor Sulema Zerr, 1,043 to 638.
Incumbent District 3 County Commissioner Blair Brady is well ahead of his challenger Lori Scott, as of last night's count, 925 to 746.
Current Undersheriff Jon Dearmore will become the new Wahkiakum County Sheriff, handily defeating his challenger Troy Norris, 1,398 to 259.
In the race for District 3 PUD Commissioner. Dennis Reid is ahead of incumbent Esther Gregg, with 850 votes over Gregg's 758 as of last nights count.
At posting time, there were still 205 votes to be counted in Wahkiakum County.